WAI-CLE hosts an annual meeting in January of each year for the purposes of conducting official chapter business, electing officers, and appointing committees. This is a great opportunity to get involved with the leadership team and other local aviation professionals. There is a networking reception to follow the annual meeting. The International Women’s Air and Space Museum generously supports WAI-CLE Annual Meetings by allowing the use of their facilities at Burke Lakefront Airport.
We also hold bi-monthly Social Meetings on the third Thursday of every other month from 5pm to 8pm. Members of WAI-CLE gather for happy hour to discuss industry news, share “war stories,” and have a great time! Participation at these events is very diverse and offers the opportunity to get to know local aviation professionals and enthusiasts.
2016 EVENTS:
Jan 2016: WAI-CLE Annual Meeting.
Feb 2016: WAI-CLE Social.
April 2016: WAI-CLE Social.
May 2016: Discover Aviation Day.
June 2016: WAI-CLE Social.
Aug 2016: WAI-CLE Social.
Sept 2016: Cleveland National Airshow.
Oct 2016: Tower Tour and Kent State University Mock Interviews.
Dec 2016: Holiday Pancake Breakfast.
2015 EVENTS:
Jan 2015: WAI-CLE Annual Meeting. The AIAA Northern Ohio Section, ASME Cleveland Section, WAI-CLE Chapter, and Ohio Aerospace Institute presented Matthew Mishak in a distinguished lecture on, The Future of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in Northern Ohio.
Feb 2015: Cuyahoga Valley Career Center, STEM Event, where Treasurer ChaiYuet and member Michelle attended the WAI-CLE booth. Bi-Monthly Social.
April 2015: WAI-CLE Social.
May 2015: Discover Aviation Day, where WAI-CLE and Discover Aviation Center teamed up to present the Kids Activities at the Discover Aviation Days. The AIAA Northern Ohio Section, ASME Cleveland Section, WAI-CLE Chapter, and Ohio Aerospace Institute presented Dr. Rubén Del Rosario in a distinguished lecture on, Green Propulsion Technologies for Advanced Air Transports.
June 2015: WAI-CLE Social with Discover Aviation Center.
Aug 2015: Airline Interview Study Sessions. Bi-Annual Social Event.
Sept 2015: Cleveland National Airshow, where WAI-CLE teamed up with the IWASM to create “Kiddie Koncourse” at the 2015 Cleveland National Air Show. More than thirty volunteers helped facilitate kids’ activities during the three day show. Activities ranged from making candy airplanes out of life savers, gum, and smarties, “Dress like a Pilot” booth, creating super hero masks, a paper airplane competition, coloring corner and a plinko game! WAI – CLE was proud to announce we will be giving away our first scholarship. A local student will receive $500 towards their aviation studies to be announced at the end of the fall.
Oct 2015: Bi-Monthly Social. Connie Luhta, President of the International Women’s Air & Space Museum, gave a presentation on the history of IWASM.
Dec 2015: WAI-CLE partnered with Discover Aviation Center and MRK Aviation for a pancake breakfast and Santa Fly-In.
2014 EVENTS:
Feb 2014: STEM Event at CVCC. Annual Chapter Meeting. WAI-CLE Social Meeting.
March 2014: Women in Aviation International Annual Conference. IWASM Meet and Greet with Astronaut Dr. Karen Nyberg.
April 2014: Cleveland State University’s “WOW! That’s Engineering!” event saw Officers ChaiYuet and Leah volunteering and introducing girls to STEM fields. IWASM Family Day Volunteers. WAI-CLE Social Meeting.
May 2014: Discover Aviation Days Booth.
June 2014: Bi-Monthly Social Meeting.
Aug 2014: Bi-Monthly Social Meeting.
Aug 30 - Sept 1, 2014: Kiddie Koncourse, jointly presented by WAI-CLE and IWASM at the Cleveland National Airshow.
Sept 2014: Distinguished Lecture with Kendra St Charles, survivor of USAir Flight 405 that crashed shortly after takeoff from New York’s LaGuardia Airport on March 22, 1992. She shared her experience and her subsequent work to improve airline safety.
Oct 2014: Bi-Monthly Social
Dec 2014: WAI-CLE Christmas Party hosted by Aitheras Aviation Group.
2013 EVENTS:
March 2013: Our First Chapter Meeting. Women in Aviation International Annual Conference.
April 2013: Job Shadow Day with Key Bank Aviation Department, hosted by VP Catrina. Monthly Meeting at International Women’s Air and Space Museum, where we voted in our officers and talked about upcoming events. Career Fair for Parma City Schools.
May 2013: Outreach Chair Michelle gave an airport tour to local Girl ScoutsGirl Scout Tour at Medina Airport (1G5). Discover Aviation Day! Our first of many Social Meetings. Astronomy Night at Lorain County Airport with Suzie Dills.
June 2013: Bower Center Dedication at Portage County Airport. Our Monthly Meeting at the International Women’s Air and Space Museum.
July 2013: Social Meeting at the 100th Bomb Group.
August 2013: Movie Night at Discover Aviation Center, where Officers Leah & Catrina arrived in style in a 1946 Ercoup.
Sept 2013: Social Meeting at the 100th Bomb Group. Officer Michelle & other WAI-CLE members ran the booth at the Annual Wings and Wheels, Medina Airport.
Nov 2013: Dr. Judith Van Zante presented a lecture on Aircraft Icing. Mock Interviews with Kent State WAI Chapter. Social Meeting at the 100th Bomb Group Restaurant.